We are delighted to announce that our next mission to Nepal (4-19th November 2017) will be attended by historically the most numerous team in the history of the African Heart Foundation. This time, with help of a local cardiac surgeon and our close friend Kaushal Tiwari, we will not do only echocardiography screening, but we will also bring medication supplies, which will be distributed to local poor patients. Members of the mission will be : Hasam Khanar (Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi) ,Tereza Novakova, Maria Holicka (Faculty hospital Brno Bohunice), Tereza Riška Tylečková, Adéla Gábrlíková (Faculty hospital Ostrava), Petr Kala, Markéta Rozhoňová (students of 2nd Faculty of Medicine in Prague) and members of the foundation Michal Pazdernik and Petr Fajkus. Just for the sake of interest, all team members will pay for their flight tickets, accommodation and food from their own savings. At the end we would like to thanks one of the most inspirative and hardworking cardiologist in the world, dr. Julia Grapsa, who again helped us with staff and echo machines recruitment.